Luisa Nava

Luisa Nava
Class Year
Cary, Ill.
Sociology, Criminal Justice
Spanish, Women’s and Gender Studies
Why Carthage?
“I chose Carthage because I wanted to create my own independence away from home and break down new barriers.”
Faculty mentors
“The faculty in my departments are such amazing professors. Each professor teaches in unique ways that are so intriguing that I almost hate when I have to leave at the end of class. My relationships with the faculty members within my majors are both professional and personal. They never fail to help me out whenever I need it.”
Favorite class
“So far my favorite class has been Sociological Inquiry. While it was extremely difficult to write my final essay for the semester, I had the chance to write about my own passions which was what I loved most about the course. I was able to research topics that I wanted to learn more about which has provided me with more insight on my potential thesis for my senior year.”
Toughest class
“My toughest class so far was Public Policy. It was difficult to put the material into context since much of it dealt with policies and procedures, something I struggled with from time to time.”
Campus involvement
“I’m the secretary for Mi Gente, treasurer for Residence Life Coucil, and a member of Kappa Phi Eta.”
Internships or campus employment
“I have been able to hold various on-campus jobs, such as being a Spanish tutor and working in the Division of Student Affairs office as a student desk worker.”
Career goal
“After graduation, I hope to work for the FBI or the DHS in the human trafficking or immigration division to help victims.”
Favorite spot on campus
“My favorite spot on campus is definitely the rocks along the beach. My friends and I sit on them and watch the sunrise or sunsets while playing music. This allows us to remember that we’re students who need breaks, too.”
Favorite memory
“My favorite memory was walking from campus to the lighthouse by the marina in Kenosha on a very stressful Sunday morning. We got to take some fun pictures and enjoyed a long walk, and we topped it off with some well-deserved ice cream! I couldn’t have passed my exams that week without that mini-break.”
Biggest surprise
“Being a first-generation college student, I think the biggest surprise for me was when I joined a sorority. No one in my family has ever gone off to college, let alone been part of Greek life. But no matter what, my sisters have become the best group of girls to share my interests with.”
Advice for other students in your major?
“Sociology is a fun major that has allowed me to better learn about societal impacts that go beyond growing up in a home. Society allows each individual to express themselves based on certain encounters and helps better gauge who they are as a member of society.”
What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?
“She would be amazed at how far I was able to advance my English speaking skills. 8-year old me would be proud because I surpassed the expectations people had of me.”